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Optimising your Local SEO

In a world currently sitting in what we call the Digital Age, competition and relevancy is everything. People are more learned than ever before. Companies are more innovative than ever before. It means as a business owner, you need to be on top of your game to ensure your business name and brand is getting
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How To Make the Most of Local SEO

You are not alone if you have, for some time, felt as though Google’s interfaces aren’t particularly user-friendly. Surely to encourage the use of platforms such as Google +, it is in Google’s best interest that they make them as accessible as possible?! Turns out Google had the exact line of thought, which was why
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SEO is Getting Back to Local Roots

How has search evolved? It’s a much broader and deeper question than it looks on the surface. For example, here’s guessing you have most likely heard of the term ‘Google it’. The landscape for marketers and business owners around the world continues to change as we watch the giant search engine Google source and list
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Google Quality Guidelines

How to Become Popular with Google Following Google’s Quality Guidelines can mean the difference between finding your site organically ranking on the 1st page, or not. If not it can mean to a vast majority of website users that your site doesn’t even exist – eek! Obviously it’s very important to have a website which
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Feel the Google Love

Entering the world of online marketing can feel daunting for the uninitiated. Taking that first step is half of the journey and, once you find the right tools and people to take along with you, the end goal appears much closer than originally thought. Google can at first seem like a confusing maze of tools
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The Sponno Guide for Ranking Higher on Google.

Over the past decade or so, SEO has become increasingly more important. Due to technical advancements with regards to devices like smartphones and tablets, the reach of internet browsing has dramatically extended. This has meant that search engine companies like Google have had to continually improve their algorithms for their search function more frequently, in order to ensure that users can easily access information on these devices. This has also had the effect on making the realm of SEO (natural search) more and more complex and, of course, increases the level of competition as serious marketers fight for optimal visibility on the first page.

Google Authorship Discontinued – What Now?

On 29 August 2014 Switzerland based John Muller (Google Webmaster Trends Analyst) announced the end of Google Authorship. Since then all photos and references to Google+ profiles have been completely dropped from Google Search listings. When explaining the reason for this change John says that the decision was founded on feedback from webmasters, authors and users who said that the platform was becoming too much of a distraction when finding search results.

Black Hat Social Media and How It Can Affect your SEO Efforts

Regardless of how sophisticated Google’s search algorithms get there will always be people trying to manipulate the system. Black Hat SEO has been around for a long time and may never go away. With the growing importance of Social Media it was inevitable that Black Hat Social Media would become a thing. But what effect, if any, can it have on your SEO efforts?

Online Offense

A General in the trenches, cut off from his sources of intelligence and reconnaissance, is in the same predicament as the grunt soldier, a grueling and grinding psychological torment with no assurance of victory and a likelihood of defeat. A General with full scope of the battlefield, a spy plane gathering intel on enemy position in relation to his own troops and a strategy to identify weaknesses and strengths, once again in relation to his own troops, is a General about to win the war.

How Google’s New Pigeon Update Affects Small Business

Recently Google’s released a major algorithm update for the local search function (AKA Pigeon Update) and whilst there isn’t much press around it yet; webmasters all over the US are reporting changes to their local rankings.