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How To Create Unskippable Ads

Have you ever clicked a link to watch a movie trailer you have been super interested to see, only to be faced with an advertisement that you are forced to watch the first five seconds of before you can press skip? I know it happens to me, but every now and again there is an
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Say Hello to Google’s Buy Now Button

In a move that really isn’t all that surprising, Google will soon be introducing a ‘Buy Now’ button for Product Listing Ads on mobile devices. With mobile search now outweighing search on desktops, it only makes sense for Google to expand in the direction. We take a look at the five Ws to see what’s
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Surviving in the aftermath of ‘Mobilegeddon’

Google’s mobile friendly update that went live on April 21st of this year, dubbed ‘Mobilegeddon’ by those with a taste for melodrama, is now in full swing. Now that the dust it settling we can take a look at how bad the damage was and how different things will be from now on. The truth
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How To Make Smart Decisions with your Onsite SEO

Our final blog in our ‘SEO Tips & Tricks’ Optimise Webinar takes a look at some of our best onsite SEO strategies. Onsite optimisation is any improvement made to the website architecture to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index the site. You must also ensure that your onsite SEO optimisation is
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Blogging and SEO – A Match Made in Heaven

Blogging; it’s a word many of you will be familiar with. Some of you may follows blogs, while some of you will write your own blogs. While many treat the form of blogging as an online journal of sorts, when it comes to creating, writing, managing, posting and sharing a blog on your business’s website,
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Our Top Mobile SEO Secrets

Ben Bradshaw, Founder and CEO of SponsoredLinX, is in high demand. His extensive knowledge in the realm of all things online and digital not only means that he has a keen perception of what marketing practices you should be implementing, he also has the ability to relay this information in a way that is easy
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Optimise with Mobile SEO

For Australian SMEs, the digital market is undeniably growing. eMarketer recently reported that, “Next year, Canada and Australia will surpass South Korea to become the sixth- and seventh-largest mobile ad markets globally, respectively,” (eMarketer, 2015). With the abundance of data, statistics and reports which all point to a mobile internet future, it’s simply imperative that
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The Golden Rule of SEO

Aligning your business goals with your digital marketing plan needn’t be the overly-complicated task many make it out to be. With online marketing, and especially when it comes to your website, if you can align this with Google’s purpose, the chances of the two of you becoming best buddies will soar! Google’s mission statement states
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Local Businesses Win with Mobile Responsive Websites

We all know that websites now must be mobile responsive if the owners of these websites want these sites to rank organically via Google search. However, just because Google have implemented a new algorithm, is this enough of a reason to change your website? The real question needs to be, ‘How important is mobile search
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Google April 21st Update – The News You Need to Know PART III

The recent update will mean that Google is now displaying apps in search results for all mobile devices and will be able to crawl these apps in more detail than ever before. It means the amount of information Google can extract from these apps will equal greater relevant results for users. Google released some information in a recent
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