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The New Girl, Control Freaks & Digital Health

There is an old adage that ‘a [tradesman] is only as good as his tools’. I find this to be quite poignant, as I enjoy tinkering on my cars and bikes on the weekends – and the one thing I find that has let me down in the past is poor quality tools. Alongside that,
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Digital Culture

In today’s dynamic society, culture has evolved over the years from primitive to digital. Communication and culture both have a large effect in the workplace which allows others to gain access to information on a scale we have never seen or experienced before. Throughout the last couple of decades different communication forms have taken place
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Beyond Demographics and Customer Intent

Can you predict the future? Do you know what your customers need? Do you know when they need it and most importantly, can you position yourself to be available at the recognised moment of need? With Google (and SponsoredLinX) you can. Demographics, sub sections of audiences based on gender age, location, etc. are fast becoming
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Omni-channel Marketing for Small Businesses

Myer’s recent marketing investment puts the word ‘omni-channel marketing’ under the spotlight. Small businesses tend to shy away from such buzzwords that are often associated with large corporations or brands. ‘Let the big guys worry about them’ is a common way of thinking. If this speaks to you, think about the first time you heard
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Seasonal Keywords for Season Promotions

Well, it’s that time of year again, everyone is saying goodbye to their favourite habits and finding chocolate eggs strewn about their gardens and homes… “Happy Easter everyone!” – This is what your SEO strategy looks like right now in May if you left your Easter SEO planning until a few weeks before the main event.
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Planning For A Successful SEO Campaign

Seasonal strategies for your business Christmas is now a far off memory and like all business owners should be, the focus is on the future and the rest of 2016. When owning a business, it is important to identify specific dates and trends in the market that will affect your business performance. As an SEO
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How To Use Google Trends For Your Marketing Strategy

Spoiler Alert: Remember in ‘Back To The Future 2’, when Marty McFly picks up a copy of the Sports Almanac from 2015? It contained a copy of all the sports results from 1950 – 2000, you know, to make a little money from the future. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to look into
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Facebook’s New HQ

Visiting Hacker Way In celebration of the SponsoredLinX 10th year anniversary (and our new Headquarters in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane) I’m taking you on a tour through another company that’s been hitting some serious milestones (and also moved recently) and drawing on a few similarities. Welcome to Facebook Headquarters – 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park in
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Custom Ad Scheduling for Seasonal PPC success

Right time, right message Many people believe that running their AdWords campaign 24/7 is the best or at least the only option. This is not only incorrect, it’s uneconomical and in most cases, unsustainable. First things first; tracking. In order to make informed decisions, we must analyse data from your AdWords account.  Identify productive and
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Has Your Paid Search Campaign Got a Money Leak?

Patch that hole in your budget bag! Ever wondered if you are wasting money on your AdWords advertising? Erin Sagin for Wordstream states that, “the typical business wastes 25% or more of their total paid searches spend”. This is a problem and trying to figure out wasted spend on Google AdWords can be challenging. Here
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