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Consistency Wins the Race with Local SEO

You might have worked out by now that Local SEO can be a little tricky to implement at times. For many of you, the term ‘Local SEO’ was something you had never even heard of. So now, on top of managing your Regular SEO plan, you have to contend with Local SEO. As the fourth
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Align Your Marketing with your Customers

Attempting to reach out and engage with consumers is becoming more and more difficult. There is so much ‘noise’ that it can be hard to cut through it all to get your message to the right people. To add to the situation, consumers arereported to now highly favour the opinions and word-of-mouth reviews from family
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Optimising your Local SEO

In a world currently sitting in what we call the Digital Age, competition and relevancy is everything. People are more learned than ever before. Companies are more innovative than ever before. It means as a business owner, you need to be on top of your game to ensure your business name and brand is getting
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The Fall of Organic Facebook Reach

The decline in organic reach on social media platforms is not due to the fact that the algorithms are changing, but because more businesses are opting to use paid advertising, which must in turn decrease the amount of organic traffic and reach. If you think about it, if the above wasn’t the case, what would
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How To Make the Most of Local SEO

You are not alone if you have, for some time, felt as though Google’s interfaces aren’t particularly user-friendly. Surely to encourage the use of platforms such as Google +, it is in Google’s best interest that they make them as accessible as possible?! Turns out Google had the exact line of thought, which was why
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Email Marketing – Your Online Staple Ingredient

When I wake up in the morning one of the first things I do is check my email. First, I check my personal email. Second, I check my work email to see if there is anything I particularly need to prepare myself for that day. I bet for some of you as well that the
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Facebook is Moving Beyond the Online Saturation Point

Saturation point – it’s a term that many business owners never want to hear, particularly if growth is still a large part of the business plan, but it’s a stark reality for some of the world’s largest digital corporations like Facebook and Google. They’re aware of it too. Ever wondered why the likes of Google
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SEO is Getting Back to Local Roots

How has search evolved? It’s a much broader and deeper question than it looks on the surface. For example, here’s guessing you have most likely heard of the term ‘Google it’. The landscape for marketers and business owners around the world continues to change as we watch the giant search engine Google source and list
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The SMEs of the Future

The importance of technology and its impact on everyday items, such as computers and phones as we know them today, is predicted to completely change in 30 to 40 years’ time. In fact, everyday items we use as second nature could completely change. But will it ever actually happen, or, is it all gossip? Here
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Is your Website Ready for Google Shopping (Part II)

It’s quickly approaching and to herald the arrival of our Optimise Webinar E-commerce series our final blog takes a look at part II of what your website needs to be ready for Google Shopping. We’ve covered a lot of the gritty details, but, there is more you need to consider before you can be happy
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